Thursday, December 21, 2023

Controversial topic

What is your opinion? For me it's difficult to decide because in this woman's culture it's very difficult to lead a happy life if other people think you can't have children.

Note: I'm sorry, I know the picture is a bit blurry.

Source: Woman's Own


  1. Very controversial issue. One could think, what a succesful achievement! a truly fight against prejudices, bigotry and machismo, but apart from that, which seems to me a great step forward, what about the child? Should he or she be deprived of having a long life together with his or her mother? Sorry for saying that, but in my opinion, children have to enjoy mother's presence as much as possible.

    1. As you say, Carlos, it's a very controversial topic.I had Pablo when I was forty and although I felt as strong and active as I did when I had Marcos at 25, when Pablo was little he used to tell us we had had him too late, that he didn't want us to die.
      Anyway, young parents also die, so you never know. One of his best friends lost his Dad when he was in his forties and they were still in primary school.
      You don't have to apologise for your opinions, Besides, I think you are a very intelligent and sensible man and it's a pleasure to exchange ideas with you.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...