Sunday, December 24, 2023


What do you know about Margaret Keanes? 

Do you like her paintings? 

Have you seen the biopic about her life? If you haven't, you can check the trailer below. It's a truly fascinating story.


  1. I'm not especially fond in this kind of painting which seems to me naive. In fact, Margaret kean's artworks are recognized as 'Kitsch art', tendency which is focused on the vulgar, tacky or corny way of creating. Although, I must admit her value as an artist and person. Not only because, once more, as the greatest artists do, she created something new, personal and different from the rest, her own hallmark. But also, because her vindication as a woman artist. Fighting against the rulling power and overall, the unfair Kean's paintings husband assingment, she became one of the most influential painters of the twentieth century.

  2. Better say,
    That's why she became one of the most influential painters of the twentieth century

    1. Hello Carlos,
      I have to confess I love her paintings, but then again I like everything corny. I used to have a student (who like you studied three or four courses with me) who always said that and he was right.
      However, I agree with most of what you have written: she was different, original and brave.
      Unluckily, she didn't choose the best of husbands.
      Just a couple of mistakes. Your comment is very good, you have used excellent vocabulary:
      - because of her vindication
      - ruling powers
      - can you please rephrase this for me: the unfair Kean's paintings husband assignment?
      Thanks so much for keeping the blog alive.

  3. Could it be? 'the unfair Kean's paintings assignment by her husband' I usually have some doubts with the structure of the Saxon Genitive.

    1. The problem for me here is the word assignment, although I guess you mean that the husband pretended to be the painter himself till he was exposed in court.

  4. Yes, it's better 'attribution, isn't it?

    1. The sentence would still sound weird. But you could say: for many years her husband claimed the pictures were his own, for example.


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