Sunday, September 24, 2023

Ticket to Paradise


1. What does the woman say when she realises her things are in someone else's seat?
2. How long were the couple married for?
3. Where is their daughter getting married?
4. Why does the man want to stop his daughter from marrying her fiancé?
5. What do the parents have to do to make their plan work?
6. What did the man get bit by?
7. What does the girl (Lily) pray for at the end of the video?


  1. Hello teacher, good afternoon,

    I hope are you very well.

    1. She apologizes
    2. They were married fives years old
    3. BalĂ­
    4. Because they don't want her to live away from them
    5. They steal the ring
    6. One dolphin
    7. She prays for an asteroid to fall

    1. Hi Gabriela,
      You should say: they were married for five years.
      Can you check for and five again?
      Thanks so much for using the blog.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...