Thursday, September 21, 2023

Damian McGinty on 'The Late Late Show' 23 Dec 2011

1. What was Damian McGinty's role in Glee?
A. Irish exchange student
B. American football coach
C. British rockstar
D. French chef

2. How many people auditioned for the Glee Project?
A. 4,000
B. 40,000
C. 400,000
D. 4,000,000

3. What was the biggest challenge Damian faced in getting on the show?
A. Learning his lines
B. Getting a visa
C. Finding a place to stay
D. Making friends with the cast

4. What was the format of the Glee Project?
A. A talent show
B. A cooking competition
C. A dance-off
D. A singing competition

5. How did Damian feel about his journey on the show?
A. He loved every minute of it
B. He hated it and wouldn't do it again
C. He was indifferent
D. He had mixed feelings

6. Who ultimately won the Glee Project?
A. Lindsay
B. Alex
C. Samuel
D. Damian

7. How did Damian feel about winning the Glee Project?
A. Disappointed
B. Overjoyed
C. Indifferent
D. Confused


  1. Hello teacher,

    I hope are you well.

    1. Irish exchange student
    2. 40.000
    3. Getting a visa
    4. A talent show
    5. He loved every minute of it
    6. Samuel
    7. Overjoyed

  2. Can you check 4 and 5 again, Gabriela? The rest is perfect. Thanks so much.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...