Monday, December 19, 2022

William Webb Ellis

 What is the relationship between William Webb Ellis and rugby?


  1. William Webb was the person who invented the rugby game

    1. Yes, they say he invented rugby, but we don't know for sure. Please next time include your first name in the post so that I know who you are. Thanks.

  2. William Webb was the person who invented the rugby game. changed the game to play with foot to play with hands.

    1. Yes, they say in the middle of a rugby game, he caught the ball with his hands and ran with it. Thanks for your comment.

    2. William Webb Ellis did not "invented" the game.
      Apparently, during an Association Football match (the code of Football we know in Spain as Fútbol), called Soccer (after asSOCiation) in the USA and, some times, in the UK, he picked up the ball and carried it running to the opponent team end zone; the goal.
      This action liked in the University of Rugby and they began to play this "new" game as a diferent Code of football: the Rugby Football o, simply, Rugby.
      There are other Codes: American (in the USA, they simply say 'Football'), Australian Football, Gaelic Footbal, Calcio (and ancient Ball game in Italy)...

    3. Thanks for the information, Jose Luis.
      Just one thing: in the second paragraph, when you say 'like', do you mean 'took place'?


  3. William Webb is the person who invented the rugby. One day he was playing football at school and he caught the ball with his hands and ran away with it. But after some researches it can´t be assured if this information is true or false.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Diana.
      Just a few corrections:
      - invented rugby
      - some research

  4. William Webb Ellis was an English Anglican clergyman who, by tradition, has been credited as the inventor of rugby when he was a student at Rugby School. According to legend, Webb Ellis picked up the ball and ran with it during a school football game in 1823, thus creating the "rugby" style of play.

    1. Perfect. Thanks for the explanation.


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