Monday, December 19, 2022

Where was this picture taken?


How many columns are there here? (approximately)

How did they come into existence?

Most of them are................................ (shape)


  1. This image is the "Giant´s Causeway".
    It is found in Northen Ireland and the United Kingdom.
    It has 40 000 columns, they were created by lava from a volcanic crater or caldera.
    Most of them are shaped like steps.

    1. Hi Laura,
      Thanks for your explanation. You are right, the columns are like steps, but many of them are hexagons.

  2. This type of basalt columns can be found in different places of the world. I didn't know about the Giants Causeway but I knew that in Spain you can see these volcanic formations in Canary Islands (Gomera and Tenerife) and in different sites in Catalunya, for example in La Garrotxa.
    What I just read is that they are not always hexagonal as I thought. They can also have different number of sides, sometimes can be pentagons or octagons...

    1. Thanks for the info, Maria Jose. I didn't know there where formations like this in Spain.

  3. Víctor García P.5:44 PM, December 28, 2022

    The name of this place belongs to one of the irish myths. In that legend, a giant called Fion mac Cumhaill had to fight with another giant called Benandonner, who comes from Scotland. To cross the sea and fight, Fion built the causeway. There are diferent versions of this story, but by strength or inteligence, Fion beats Benandonner and the causeway got destroyed in the middle. We can find the beggining of the causeway in the noth coast of Northern Ireland and also at Fingal´s cave on the Scottish isle of Staffa, wich could be the end of the giant´s causeway.
    However, as the girls told before, these rocks are basalt columns formed by volcanic activities during the Paleocene (the period of time inmediatly after the mass extinction of non-avian dinosaurs) between 50 to 60 million of years ago. This place was declarated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986. Also is a national nature reserve, and is a heaven of many different species of seabirds.

  4. Hello Victor,
    Thanks for all the information. I'd forgotten the story almost completely.
    Just a couple of things:
    - Irish (capital i)
    - intelligence
    - beat (past)
    - said not told
    - declared
    - It is also
    - It is a haven for


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