Thursday, December 29, 2022

The King's Christmas Broadcast 2022

1. Have you ever watched this?
2. What about the Spanish equivalent?


  1. I had never seen this broadcast and I would say that there are several differences regarding the Spanish equivalent. Apart from the pomp and pageantry that the British's King Christmas broadcast is sourrounded, the messages differ in several aspects. British broadcast is focused on the altruist intervention of both, governmental and non profit organizations to deal with the poorest, stressing the rol of the monarchy. On the other hand, Spanish broadcast pointed out in political affairs, highlighting the political breakdown that are taking place and encouraging politicians to respect the Constitution. I have to say that I prefer the Spanish speech.

    1. Thanks, Carlos.
      I'm not very fond of any of the speeches.
      I used to watch the Queen's to be able to use it in class. However, I remember my father always listened to King Juan Carlos.

    2. I had not ever watched these broadcasts. My first one and the first one with a new king in England, for sure (I'm kidding).
      As the character of the Prince of Wales says during a scene with his mother in the TV series `The Crown': "Don't blame yourself for your long life'.
      It still sounds strange to me to hear 'God save the King' instead 'the Queen' during the anthem, for the same reason, although I listened to it in the first appearance of Charles after the Elisabeth's decease.
      I agree Carlos remarking the differences between the broadcast of Charles and the Spanish kings. But Charles has been concerned for that matter for long, if I am not wrong.
      But yet, I usually don`t pay attention for the speeches of Juan Carlos and Felipe either.

    3. Thanks for your comment, JL.
      Just a couple of things:
      - after Elizabeth's death.
      - regarding the differences
      - pay attention to


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