Saturday, March 5, 2022

Thanks for sharing this gorgeous song, Marta.


Who was Harriet Tubman?



  1. Jose Luis Barbado12:41 PM, March 09, 2022

    Harriet Tubman was an activist against slavery in the USA, among other activities. She was born in slavery but was able to scape and help other slaves to scape. It made her being nicknamed 'Moses'.
    She suffered an accident and was wounded in her head, what makes her have visions that she considered a conection with God.
    Tudman was in the network known The Underground Railroad, created to help slaves to fly away to antislavery states and Canada.
    Tomorrow, March 10th, will be the anniversary of her death.

    1. Interestingly many of her colleagues were white abolitionists.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Marta.
    Just remember that word order is very important in English: who rescued lots of people from slavery.

  3. Wow! As usual, JL you're a great source of information. You've reminded me of things I had forgotten and taught me others.
    Remember to spell: escape. There's an e at the beginning of the word.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...