Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Haiku competition: what do you think the present is?

First of all: thanks, everybody, for taking part.

The winner of the competition is Irene (C2.1)

The runners-up are:

Lydia R.

Ana Maria  L.

Yolanda B.

Sara S.

And in case you ever feel like counting syllables:

And now a question:

What do you think the present is? Can you guess? I won't say till after Irene has opened it.


  1. JAJAJA!! I don´t know what it is María José, you are so witty, but the packet is really nice.

    1. Amazon is great at gift wrapping.
      BTW, do you know that in English it is ha ha ha? H instead of J.
      The other day, I told Debra that Spanish sheep say beeee and she thought it was really weird because English sheep say baa.;)


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...