Tuesday, February 8, 2022



Can you look for the word fad in the text and tell me what it means? Before you look it up, try to guess.

Do you know what book this is? Maybe Mr Google will be able to help you.


  1. I thought fad meant something new, but I've checked it and it is a fashion, anyway, the meaning of the sentence is similar to what I imagined

  2. I don't know which book it is, in this case Google hasn't helped me enough

    1. It's a book by Jeffrey Archer... the title(just the title) is inspired by the Bible.

  3. It could refer to a new acquisition.

  4. The text deal with a historical event, The Great Depression, a sever worlwide econonomic depression, which started in 1929 until the late 1930's but I haven't found which book it is yet.

  5. The book starts when the main characters are born, but you are right. At this moment they are going though the Great Depression.

  6. When I first saw the word 'fad' in the text, I thought it was something related to 'genius', but then I looked up for the meaning at WordReference and it means 'short trend'.
    The title of the book could be "kane and Abel" (Google gave me some help)

  7. Both answers are correct, Cristina. I thought I wouldn't like Jeffrey Archer, but I love this book.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...