Saturday, February 5, 2022

This is my take on Adrian Mitchell's poem (see below). Different words, same story.

Reds and blues

In a corner

Of the playground

Stands a  skinny girl

Munching on her hair,

Gazing blindly into the football court.

She's pretty, she's cute, she's clever,

But she does not know.

She's leaning on a dark red brick wall, 

One of her legs against the building

Like a disillusioned flamingo's.

There's a huge scab on her right knee, 

But soon it will fall off, leaving a pink spot.

Soft and delicate.

I wish my hair was like Linda's,

I wish I was taller.

I wish boys liked me or at least noticed me.

I wish I was invisible or maybe I wish the opposite.

There's an untouched sandwich in her hand

Wrapped in kitchen foil.

She doesn't want to open it.

I bet it's the same as every day:

A soggy hot dog heated hurriedly in the microwave.

Not even at home. Not even there. 

I'm a nobody everywhere.

Shouts in the distance and cruel laughs.

Josh is lying in the middle of the playground 

While the usual thugs kick him just for fun.

Where are the teachers? Where are the parents?

Aren't they supposed to protect us?

To know what's going on?

But I guess they have other things on their minds

And the suffering of a little boy and a little girl

Has no space in their busy brains. 

Shame on them! 

Written by: Maria Garcia


  1. Interesting, Maria: Well written from the thoughts, vision, and words of a school teacher. It is a touching and realistic story of what is a sad reality in this world, happening to children daily around the world. Excellent job

  2. Thanks, Tier. That means a lot coming from you. I'll never be able to write poetry the way you do ... but I like trying.
    I'm sorry I'm not using FB much at the moment, but three social networks were a lot, so now I only use Twitter.
    Take care and thanks for your comment.

  3. I really know this situation for somebody in my close family. It was terrible and I didn´t deal with it correctly at the begining.
    Very bad memories about it.

    Maria, I agree with your friend, It is a beautiful poem, sad and realistic at the same time. Thanks for it.

  4. My friend is a really good poet. Me, not so much. I'm better at writing prose.
    I agree with you. Bullying is horrible.

  5. This is very sad and unfortunately more frequent than we think.. I've also had a very similar close familiar situation during several years that triggered a very cruel illness causing two hospitalizations... we have suffered a lot because there is no clear and easy way to handle it..
    I think that human nature is sometimes too much cruel and nowadays our society doesn't help very much with this kind of problems, but increase them with social networks regrettably.

    1. Yes, it's a very serious problem, but at least nowadays we're aware of it. I was bullied at school and back then it was swept under the carpet. I'm sure the bullying is part of who I am today (both good and bad things).


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