Friday, February 18, 2022

The Star Spangled Banner. Some interesting information.


  1. Another interesting story about the creation of the American flag which means everything for American's citizens, an emblem of American national pride in defense of the country's union, democracy and patriotism. It's a matter of personal taste but in that sense they are unique.

    1. Yes, their relationship to their flag is very different to the one we have with ours. I think I prefers theirs. Ours is just a question of politics.

    2. I knew only part of the history, like what the stars and the bars mean, but didn't know (or forgot) the part about the battle. What I also know is that the first American flag was designed and sawn by Betsy Ross, who was a woman who worked sawing flags. Furthermore, the iconography of the flag is representative of everybody and widely known, that's why most of people there feels identified with it. Ours history is quite different. First, chosen by an absolute king and later, rescued by a dictator to opose to the one that the legitimate government of the republic who represented the people chose. No, nothing in common.

    3. Thanks for your comment, Claudia.
      See some corrections below:
      history or story?
      most people
      our history
      to oppose the one or even better: to replace the one

  2. That's very interesting information I didn't know.. it must be a pride for all the americans to have this piece of history (that happened 206 years ago) preserved at the Smithsonian museum.. and it is incredible that humans always like to have a piece of history at their homes.. it reminds me the Fall of the Berlin Wall because I remember my father was there after this happening and brought us when he returned home what he called 'a piece of the Berlin Wall' as so many other people did!.
    Cristina L.

  3. I also enjoyed the documentary, Cristina.
    Don't forget to write Americans (capital A).
    What you say about humans wanting to preserve a piece of history is interesting: what do you think the reason is?


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