Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Instagram wisdom... once again.

1. Do you already do all or some of these things?

2. What would you like to change this year?


  1. I normally do all of them except for taking a walk because I do not have much time. My purpose for this year is to cut myself off from those people who are hurting me and try to be more positive. I have to work on loving myself a bit more because it is something I do not do.

    1. Both you and I. We can start a club.
      I didn't walk too much in the past, but now I'm making an effort and today I walked for around one hour. Not too bad considering that most of my work and hobbies are intellectual rather than physical.
      Thanks for your answer.

  2. 2. Changing this year? Any thing in mind is unpredictable now after the invasion in Ukraine, sadly. New humanitarian an economical crisis in sight, I fear.

    1. I agree with you, Jose Luis. I don't usually watch the news unless something like this happens, but after listening to the BBC and seeing some of their videos, I've come to the conclusion that we are crazy. Don't we have enough with Covid? It was really sad to see people in the underground that's being used as a makeshift bomb shelter, watching their reactions, their fear.
      An Ukranian guy said that this was like a new Nazi invasion.
      Just one correction: remember economical means cheap. You mean an economic crisis.
      It's obvious that history repeats itself and that we don't learn from our mistakes.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...