Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Can you explain the meaning of the sentence below?

I said yes to humour my parents. 



  1. Well, as I do not know the real context of the sentence I would dare to say that its meaning is to go with the flow. I will probably be mistaken.

    1. Okay, there's a certain similarity, but the best translation I can think of in Spanish is seguirles la corriente. But it's not exactly the same. Let me look for a definition and an example:
      comply with the wishes of (someone) in order to keep them content, however unreasonable such wishes might be.
      "she was always humouring him to prevent trouble"

  2. I guess It means, more or less, to say OK to the parents' sayings or advices but hiding the sibling's real purposes.
    But, I just have tossed a coin.

    1. Yes, you pretend to agree with what they say to avoid having problems or a confrontation.

  3. I guess it wants to express that he/she tries to please them or pretend to agree with them, so they don't get mad and leave him/her alone.
    Could it be a synonym “to play along with someone”? In Spanish, could it be translated as “seguir la corriente, seguir el rollo”?

    1. Yes, it's quite similar to play along and your Spanish translations are quite accurate, I think.
      To play along: to agree to do or accept what other people want.
      e.g. They wanted me to cooperate with them, but I refused to play along.

  4. María Arroyo Crespo1:54 PM, February 26, 2022

    To humour someone in this phrase it means: I agree with the decision that my parents took so they wouldn´t be upset

    1. Exactly.
      Just one thing: I agreed.
      And something else: it's not a phrase, Maria, it's a sentence.
      Thanks for your comment.


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