Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Mr Bean. A2.2 class exercise.

We are going to watch this video in class and then we'll write sentences in the past to tell the story.


  1. Good evening! I have done the sentences about first part.

    1. Thanks so much, Mari Luz. In class, we'll do this together. But if you prefer, you can also write some of your sentences here and I'll check them.

  2. MR been is a person very funny, When I was joung I watched MRbeen once a week.

    1. At first I didn't like his sketches, but my husband and my kids loved him. Now I also find him extremely funny. I also like his Johnny English film.
      Some corrections:
      - a very funny person (adj before noun)
      - young
      - Mr Bean
      Thanks for using the blog.

    2. Thank´s teacher ,see you tomorrow.

    3. I don't like Mr. Bean, I don't find him funny. I prefer Benny Hill. I liked watching his series in the 90s

    4. Hi Mar,
      I have to confess something. Even though Benny Hill is super famous, I have never seen him perform. 🤭


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