Thursday, September 28, 2023

What are blue zones?



  1. The best places and best things to do

  2. The balance point among three cleary separated ways of living.

  3. Not really, can you two do some more research? Carlos please remind me to watch the beginning of a documentary series about this in class if I forget.
    Thanks guys for using the blog.

  4. Blue Zones” are geographic areas with lower rates of chronic diseases and a longer life expectancy. Diet, fasting, and exercise are factors associated with Blue Zones. Italy, Greece, Japan, Costa Rica, and the US have a Blue Zone. Chronic diseases are becoming more and more common in old age.

    1. Very good explanation, Marian. There's a very interesting program on (and probably on Netflix too) called called Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones. We'll be watching an extract in class.


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