Monday, September 25, 2023

Learn English with Songs. Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine


  1. Hey parters, have a nice day.

  2. Hello Blanca.
    Now that you know you communicate on the blog, you can write another comment another day and encourage your classmates to interact. It's very good practice.
    Have a lovely day.

  3. Hello, this is the first time I write in a blog. I have seen the video of Guns and Roses. I've like It very much. See you on wendnesday.

  4. Laura G (A2)
    Hello teacher!!
    so thanks for this interesting video, is very informative and entertainment!!
    I still have a lot to learn... See you on weensday!!

    1. We all have a lot to learn, Laura, but practice makes perfect.
      Just a couple of corrections:
      - IT is very informative and ENTERTAINING
      Thanks so much for writing. Try to do it as often as possible, please.

  5. Charo G.C.
    It's a good idea to use music video for teaching english, but I don' understand a lot of things

    1. Don't worry, Charo. The important thing is to get used to the sound of English. This video is difficult for your level.
      Remember to write languages and nationalities with a capital letter: English.
      You forgot the s in videos and the t in don't
      But you've done very well.
      Thanks so much.

  6. Hi Mrs. Mj, the video is great! It teaches us with songs and examples of TV shows to improve our pronunciation. This Youtube channel is super helpful, right now I'm watching more videos that I like, and I will share them with my friends. Thank you!!

    Pd: I'm Pilar (A2A)

    1. Now I know it's you, Pilar. Don't worry.
      I also like this channel very much.
      In English we use Ms. Mrs. .... followed by the surname. But please don't call me Mrs. G. if you don't mind, because it makes me feel old. :) Just call me Maria or MJ.

  7. Hello, I find it interesting to leasing to song in English. Many years without know what the lyrics say and now...well, I find out a little.

    1. That's a nice feeling, isn't it? Understanding, I mean. A little spelling mistake: listening.
      Thanks so much for using the blog, Angel.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...