Thursday, April 13, 2023

Class exercise: How does this story end? Who do you think the narrator is? Try to guess in pairs.

No More Crying

Silence at last. She's finally stopped crying. I feel so relieved that I sigh real loud. Then I get up and go to the fridge. I help myself to a beer and a jar of Spanish olives.

How long has it been? Six hours? Seven? I'm not sure. All I know is that my nerves are as taut as the strings on a violin. I have a terrible headache and my neck muscles are tensed.

I sit on the couch and put the olives on the table. Then, for some reason, I look around me.

The house could do with a lick of paint, there are cracks on the walls and cobwebs everywhere. The truth is that I could find the time to clean a bit, but I'm too lazy.

When I finish my beer, I get another one. I repeat the operation several times and soon there are five empty bottles on the table.

I haven't seen my dog since I fed him this morning. I guess he's in the yard. The yard. That's something else that needs some TLC. Maybe one day.

I'm feeling sleepy and tipsy. I lie down and close my eyes.

'I'll just rest for a few minutes,' I tell myself.

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