Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Sunday Bloody Sunday.

1. What is this song about?
2. Do you like it?


  1. Sunday bloody sunday, a well-known track from U2. Although everybody could think about the infamous event that took place on the 30th January, 1972 in North Ireland, especifically a sporadic mass shoting incident of 28 innocent civilians by the British Army in which fourteen people died, U2 go further with the meaning of the song. As the lead singer, Bono, explained in an interview, the song deals with any conflict against another, wherever they may be happening in the world.
    I also have memory ot the 1980's ans 90's when I took my first steps going to the disco and above all, 'Aire' in Cea Bermudez street, where a big white flag was rolled out once the unmistakable rithm of Sunday bloody Sunday started, which drove me crazy.

    1. Thanks for the information, Carlos.
      Just a few corrections:
      - track by U2
      - Norther Ireland
      - shooting
      - rhythm


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...