Monday, January 9, 2023

are you okay? | Award-Winning Short Film

1. What is the main theme of this short film?
2. What does the purple substance symbolize?


  1. This is about bullying. The video begins with a girl painting an still life, two simple deteriorated objects that the drawer humanizes through the subtle details added. Showing us how despite their conditions they support each other.This message can be extrapolated to the next video shots in which a bullied boy recives the inestimable support of the girl who sympathies to him, hence she is being bullied. The purple substance symbolize the growing fear and loneliness that both of them feel due to bullying, even they have suicidal thoughts. Once they talk each other and successfully overcome their fears, the purple substance dissapears.

  2. Thanks for the explanation, Carlos.
    I thought extrapolated was not a word...
    I'd say invaluable support.
    Don't forget the preposition after talk: talk to.
    Do you think bullying can have a long-lasting effect on a person's life?

  3. It has a long-lasting effect on a person's life for sure. Every traumatic event in our life remains in our brain, and at any time it could come to light provoking us some king of mental disorder.

    1. I agree with you, Carlos.
      BTW, you don't need to use the word us in your text.

    2. Sorry, I don't know why I appeared as anonymous.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...