Friday, December 16, 2022

Do you find this kind of pottery beautiful?


  1. It seems to me really beautiful, The philosophical idea of finding beauty in imperfection embraces many topics. It makes me think about modern art which deliberately refuses to show the nature in artistic forms as we were used to in the past, taking sides from then on, such imperfection. As well as in the video is reported, avoiding throw things away, in order to repair and give them a new existence seems to be the best solution. Is something similiar being happened when we heal our wounds?. It is so to myself.

  2. Is something similiar be happening, would be better, isn't it?

  3. Thanks for your answer, Carlos.
    See some corrections below:
    I FIND it really beautiful, The philosophical idea of finding beauty in imperfection embraces many topics. It makes me think about modern art which deliberately refuses to show (the) nature in artistic forms as we were used to in the past, taking sides from then on (I don't understand what you've written between the commas), such AS imperfection. BESIDES, as IT is REPORTED IN THE video, IT STOPS US FROM THROWING things away, in order to repair and give them a new existence WHICH seems to be the best solution. DOES something similar happen(ed) when we heal our wounds?. I THINK so myself.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...