Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thanks for sharing, Daphne.

Do you like this song?
Did you know this band before?
if you had to choose, what would you listen to: a traditional Christmas carol or this one?


  1. I've never listened this band, but I like it. In some way, the idea of this song is to offer us a different view of Santa Claus' stereotypical figure. Instead of introduce him as a benefactor person who brings gifts for everyone, regardless of their good or bad deeds, his mision here is to punish people for their misbehaviors or mistakes. What do you think?
    Otherwise, there was a time in which traditional Christmas carol made me happy and loved Christmas, I do not feel that now, maybe because my age or my life experiences.

    1. Hi Carlos,
      You are right. This is an original take on Christmas. I still enjoy the festivities despite my age, but I don't like seeing so much food around. However, I like seeing how happy little kids are and also giving and receiving presents.
      Some corrections:
      Listened to
      Instead of introducing
      Christmas carols
      I loved Christmas.
      Thanks for your comment.


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