Monday, November 21, 2022

Terence Tao

 This is Terence Tao. What can you tell me about him?


  1. He is an Australian mathematician. He is a professor of mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he holds the James and Carol Collins chair. His research includes topics in harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, algebraic combinatorics, arithmetic combinatorics, geometric combinatorics, probability theory, compressed sensing and analytic number theory.[4]

    Tao was born and raised in Adelaide. He won the Fields Medal in 2006 and won the Royal Medal and Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics in 2014. He is also a 2006 MacArthur Fellow. Tao has been the author or co-author of over three hundred research papers.[5] He is widely regarded as one of the greatest living mathematicians and has been referred to as the "Mozart of mathematics".[6][7][8][9][10] His most impressive results are his papers on the Navier-Stokes existence and smoothness problem where he cleverly thought up of building a computer made entirely out of the solutions of the navier-stokes equation in order to solve the navier stokes equations.

    1. Thanks for the extensive information, Marian. I hope to see you again soon.

    2. Wikipedia is to blame. Thanks to you for letting me participate

  2. He looked cute when he was a kid. :-) After watching the video in class I think he also looks like a good person, easygoing and a clear teacher. That is something I admire in experts. People who know a lot about something may not be very clear when they explain it. And Tao seems to be just the opposite. Lucky students!

    1. My sentiments exactly. It gets on my nerves when somebody who knows a lot about a topic doesn't realize that we are not all at the same level. It's a great ability to do what he does. The simplicity with which he communicates his ideas.


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