Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Do you know who this is? What do you know about her?



  1. She is Mary Wollstonecraft, an English writer who wrote 'A Vindication of the Rights of Woman' (1792) considered a classic of feminism in which she outlined her passionate advocate of educational and social equality for women. Wollstonecraft who is now regarded as one of modern British femenism was wellcomed the French Revolution and travelled to Paris where she witnesed Louis XVI going to the Guillotine in 1793. Tragically she died after complications giving birth to her daughter, Mary who as an adult was an author and wrote 'Frankestein' (1818), something that has to do with the next videos in the blog, I suppose.
    By the way, the picture was painted by John Opie, who focused on her utmost simplicity, her plainly-styled hair by a soft hat and her humble gown, cleary reflecting the French Revolutionary emphasis on man's rights and honesty, rejecting disguise and ostentation to reveal the real person.

  2. Very good answer, Carlos.
    Just a few things:
    - advocacy
    - a modern British feminist
    - was welcomed by
    -topped by a soft hat
    Thanks so much for this. It's very interesting. You know a lot more about her than I do.

  3. Replies
    1. It's very helpful... but not always easy. It depends on what you are using (I'm talking about myself)


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