Saturday, September 24, 2022

My apologies to those of you who studied C2.1. last year with me...

Some questions about the video (mainly for B1 and B2.1 who aren't still fed up):

What is Fearless?

What does ft. mean?

Is there anybody in the video who is related to Dan Vasc?

What is Rhapsody?

What can you tell me about Fabio Lione?


  1. -Fearless is a situation or state of mind when someone doesn't feel fear.

    - If 'ft' has a conexion with the video, it could be a relationship between a musician inviting another to sing with him, but I am not sure.
    I am just tossing a coin.

    -One of the singers is Dan Vasc; the one with a beard.
    Fabio Lione is the other singer in the video. He is Italian. A tenor, I think.

    -A Rhapsody is a musical composition made of different parts without an apparent relation but conforming the piece as a whole (more or less).

    -Rhapsody of fire/Rhapsody is the band Leoni is, or was, a part of.

    1. It's Jose Luis. My name didn't appear.

    2. Thanks for all the answers, Jose Luis.
      Most of them are right, but not always related to the song and the musicians. If you feel like it, look at the information below the video and tell me what you'd change.
      Some comments:
      Fearless is an adjective, but in this context it's something else. It's Fearless with a capital F.
      You understood the meaning of ft. perfectly, but can you tell me what the initials stand for?
      Fabio Lione sings metal too, but they are not relatives. One of the guys in the video is a member of Dan's family. Who?
      When I mentioned Rhapsody, I was referring to Rhapsody of Fire. Lione now is in a Brazilian band called Angra. I think he's the lead singer.
      Thanks for your answers, Jose Luis. They are always a pleasure to read.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...