Sunday, February 6, 2022

Let's write a dribble.

A dribble is a very short form of flash fiction: you have to tell a story using just 50 words. 48 to 52 is also okay.

Mine has 51 words.

In class we'll write one each, but you can also post yours in the comments below

My  tiny story:

Shawn had been married for ten years. His life wasn't extraordinary, but he was content.

When he met Miri, everything changed. The world became bright, glittery.

They started an affair. He was so much in love, he didn't notice the cliff he was standing next to till it was too late.

Can you explain what it means using your own words?


  1. shawn started something, despite he thought he was happy, but obviously he wasn't, and that affair with Miri, when it wasn't really the time to start it, led shawn to a situation where he lost both women.

  2. Very good summary.
    Just one little thing: even though he thought.


See you around

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