Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Instagram Wisdom

 What does this mean? Do you agree?


  1. Sometimes we think it is our fault if we do not fit in a group or if we do not feel the others want us or accept us, but the problem is not us but them. We are how we are and we do not have to change because of anyone else. Variety is the s`pice of life.

    1. I totally agree, you couldn't have explained it better

    2. I forgot to add that sometimes it is the peer pressure that pushes us to try to fit in a place that is not for us

    3. I like your explanation very much Sandra

    4. Peer pressure, Sandra. You don't need the article. Like Marian, I like your explanation.

  2. You're so right. And if we believe this, life becomes a lot easier. But it's easier said than done.
    I think we have a very similar opinion on this topic. Do you agree?

  3. You are right. If we really believed this, our life would be much easier but it is true that it is easier said than done. I have tried so many times to focus on myself. I have tried not to pay so much attention to other people´s comments, thoughts, opinions, etc but it is so difficult and I am always hurt. I always suffer a lot and although I am strong; or at least I am stronger than I think, I always break down. Everything has an effect on me. Sometimes, I feel like a weirdo in the middle of nowhere and I feel everybody is going to judge me.

    1. Same here. I think you and I are pretty similar in many respects.

    2. It means that you are very sensitive, and that is good, despite all the bad things it brings. Anyway, I hate to hear that it's affecting you so much. Try to think that everyone who criticizes is really doing it because of their fears. Remember that you are the brave one, because you always fight to stay true to yourself and not lose your own essence.

    3. You are right, Laura. Being sensitive is not always great. Thanks for your kind words.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...