Saturday, February 19, 2022

Cristina recommends this movie.


  1. Concussion is the name of this film. It is incredible film which show us dangers of American football and how NFL(National Football League) control everything of this sport.
    I totally recommend it.

  2. I liked it when I watched it, not many months ago.

  3. I think I have this movie watched long ago. If my memory doesn't fail, It is not only a story about the risks of Football, always concerned in the American society, specially talking about children, but It tells how powerful the NFL is in the USA.
    The film is not only a must-see for the story and the Fooball repercussions in health but for the Will Smith performance.

  4. Thanks, guys for all the info. I haven't been able to find the film in any of my platforms. I'll have to wait a bit.
    I agree with you, JL, Smith is an excellent actor.


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