Friday, February 4, 2022

Can you explain the meaning of the highlighted expression?

Bar tending is my bread and butter at the moment, but I'm trying to get into acting.



  1. I didn't know the meaning, but thanks to the picture you can guess that it's something you can't live without, or you need it to live. After googling it, I found out that it´s something, a job in this case, that provides all or most of your income.

    1. Thanks for your answer, Laura. Mr Google is always right.;)

  2. Something that is basic and essential. I have just checked it out. I thought the meaning was something similar to "thick as thieves".

  3. No, it's quite different. Your definition is good, but maybe you could be a bit more specific.

  4. I liked a lot this expression.
    This is the first time I´ve heard it.
    One the other hand It is my favourite breakfast forever and ever!

  5. Is it?
    I don't like butter very much. I prefer olive oil. In that respect, strangely enough, I'm more Spanish.
    A little correction: I liked this expression a lot.


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