Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Willow

Can you explain what the poem below means?

I'm sitting under a willow,

My legs stretched in front of me

And an open book

Resting on my knees.

The paper absorbs the sunlight,

Shivers with pleasure.

The story floats out of the pages

Shimmering at me.

I see words dancing 

In front of my eyes.

They are blurry,

I don't know what 

They are trying to tell me.

All because my thoughts

Are somewhere else.

Somewhere far away.

Painful thoughts.




That is not real.

Something I'll never have.


  1. I understand that there is someone reading a book in a sunny day. He/she feels very relaxed because of the sun and he/she is about to sleep. Despite trying to keep on reading the book, he/she can´t and
    that´s why words are dancing and blurry.

  2. Very good, but can't you tell me why she can't read?

    1. Because of the sun. It dazzles and he/she cannot see.

    2. Noooo ... have a look at the last nine lines. ;)

  3. The person in the poem is so absorbed in his painful and terrible thoughts that he cannot focus on what he is reading. He is trying to read something, but the words seem to dance in front of him.

    1. Yes, but what nobody has told me is what the painful thoughts are about... Look at the last four lines.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...