Monday, December 13, 2021

Why should you read Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”?

Do you think what the video says might make you read The Tempest?
The original version or a modern English one?


  1. We should read it because it is quite entertaining. It might be a bit difficult because there are a lot of characters but it is worth reading.

    1. The original version or a modern English one, Daphne?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes. I'll do it. In fact, I have already downloaded the Pdf of this play.
    The problem is I hardly can find time to read it while I am finishing the reading of the novel we are reading at this moment (almost 500 pages).
    I take advantage of this comment to say how better it would be reading not so long books, just because many people have no much time to it: work, children, chores, homeworks, necessity to stay with family, necesity to 'stay with one self'...
    Instead of books of 400-500 pages in a foreing language, I would consider about 200-page books more productive.
    And instead of novels, theater plays. Modern plays. A play is full of conversations, what I think is better when studying new languages.
    And we should consider not all the students like reading (even in Spanish).

    1. I see your point, Jose Luis. Having said that, when you study a language you have to do certain things that you don't like.
      Theatre plays are very good to learn conversational English, but so are modern novels.
      Besides, you only have to read two books in nine months which is not a lot...
      Thanks for sharing your opinion.

    2. Only one consideration. It is not a lot if someone do only that in his current life.
      I swear I have met mates in this school (hard workers students) with this problem, and who simply decided to resign.

      In my first course here, Álvaro, the former director told us (Ivan Blanquer and me) that there were less people signing up every year. Now, after 5 or 6 years I link all this.

      We have talked about mental problems, lately, and sometimes stress could be the beginning of something. That mate I mentioned before could have been beginning with this problem: marriage, work, little children, financial matters... life. I don't know.

    3. Hello again Jose Luis,
      It's never been my intention to stress my students. On the contrary, I want you to love and enjoy English.
      Nothing is obligatory in my classes. Have you ever seen me get angry when people don't do their homework?
      This applies to the books you have to read as well.
      Having said this, if you want to learn a language, you have to do the work. It's a process that requires time and effort.


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