Friday, December 3, 2021

Who wrote this song?


  1. This is 'Amazing Grace', a Christian himn written in the eightenth by John Newton, a American poet and clergyman.
    I didn't know anything about this poet but I have listened this himn many times in movies. I've seen it was very popular in that moment.

    1. In order to be more precise, the himn of Newton is a part of the song sung by Pentatonix.
      So, I assume the song of Pentatonix is a cover of that himn. I don't know who wrote the cover of Pentatonix. I guess, this band themselves.

    2. Upps! When I wrote eighteenth, I meant eighteenth century, for sure

    3. Thanks so much for your answer, Jose Luis. I don't really know who wrote this song for Pentatonix.
      A few corrections:
      - hymn
      - an American poet
      - listened to
      - Newton's hymn


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