Friday, November 19, 2021

Do you think this is a good commercial? Please justify your opinion.


  1. Absolutely, I consider that it could provoque reaction among the viewer, who are sure focussing on the product, which seems to be inconvenient in such a place as a posh restaurant. Moreover, the fact that the advertisement is presented by Ed Seeran, would bring younger people even closer because they are who are really connected with the singer and particulary consumerist of the product concerned.

    1. I agree. For me Ed Sheeran is the most important element.
      Just a couple of things:
      - provoke
      - they are the ones who
      - the last bit would be something like: use the product

  2. This ad can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, we can understand that it is a product for all classes, upper and middle, and you can even consume it in a fancy or posh restaurant. On the other hand, we perceive that this product is only for a part of society. For those who are unconventional, for those who dare to break the rules, a nonconformist who lives his life enjoying small forbidden pleasures. Doing so makes us think that the product is not suitable for everyone (or not siutable at all), or is not up to par, that is, in a healthy way. This question leads us to another: why? For me, that's where the ambiguity lies. I'm not sure I fully understand what they want to transmit.

  3. Me neither, but I love the commercial because of Ed Sheeran.
    I'm enjoying reading your comments very much. Thanks.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What if the lecture of this ad is just to remark the simplicity of the complexity?
    I mean, the shock of using a mere fried tomato or ketchup bottle in an elegant restaurant, and by a popular artist, comes up with the image of some "elegant" product (ketchup) even though It might not be consider so elegant...
    Another lecture: this restaurant is not top enough if something as a so simple and democratical product is in there. Ed Sheeran is a perfect link to conect these both ideas.
    I remember I saw this artist in television, here in Spain a few days ago. He seems not only a good musician but a really helpful person. He was there to introduce his new album but he was ready to play the guitar and sing with another young writer and singer one of his song and, even invite her to sing a song of hers.
    I see so clear that it explains why the publicity agency chose this artist for this advertising campaing.

  6. I agree with you, Jose Luis. I think Ed Sheeran is a genuinely nice person.
    And I have a question: when you say lecture, do you mean interpretation?


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