Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Class exercise: read the story and think of a suitable ending.

Once upon a time, in a huge green park in the middle of a gigantic city full of buildings like needles that pierced the clouds and made them cry, there lived a small spotted butterfly.

Her name was Luna and her wings were yellow and velvety. They were also thinner than paper.

Her parents worried about her because she was extremely adventurous and not careful enough. On top of it all, she was the most absent-minded butterfly in the world.

When she was flying about and could not hear them, her parents exchanged worried looks.

'Something terrible will happen to her one of these days.'

'She should pay more attention to what we say to her.'

'Luna is very good, but her head is always full of dreams.'

One day, after breakfast, Luna said a quick goodbye to her family and, before they had time to stop her, she flew away.

She liked going to a quiet corner of the park where there were lots of roses. Roses were her favourite flowers.

She landed on a tall red rose and screamed. A thorn had cut into her right wing.

'Ouch, it hurts,' she cried.

While she was looking at the tiny wound, a mischievous-looking cat approached her.

'Hello! How are you?' he asked, and then he smiled.

Luna didn't like him. She was afraid. There was something sinister about him, she thought.


  1. The cat, the darkest black cat Luna had ever seen, having known about the wound in Lunas's wing, said:
    -Wait a minute -and run to a remote place in the park where there were a bunch of wooden boards plenty of cobwebs.
    The black cat came back with a spider on his back and, having explained the accident suffered by Luna, asked the spider:
    -Might you, please, make one of your webs?
    The spider made it and the cat, using one of the thorns of the rose and some of thread of the cobweb, began to sew the damaged wing of Luna.
    Once the wing had been sewed, as he remembered the previous fear of Luna, said:
    -Nothing is what it seems.

    1. Very good, Jose Luis.
      Just a few things:
      - ran to a remote place
      -full of cobwebs
      - Luna's damaged wing
      - Luna's previous fear
      - he said
      Thanks so much. It's very original.

  2. The cat continued talking with the butterfly, -If you don't mind, I'd like to show you the more precious rose in the garden, it's nearby, around the corner.
    At first, Luna mistrusted him, but then, she accepted his invitation. Just at the end of the path there was a dark cave, they went into it and discovered a pretty red rose which dimly lit the place. An overwhelming desire to possess it runs through Luna, who landed on the rose but suddenly the enchantment took place, Luna who became a princess, was locked in a cage and the cat became an unpleasant ugly witch.
    - You know what are you doing here? said the witch.
    - hahaha, this is a punishment for your behavior! The witch laughed.
    Luna was terrified, there was a boiled pot behind the cage, and the more Laura cried, the more the witch laughed. Only later was the witch willing to stab a knife into princess’ stomach when Luna awaked. Luna had finally felt slept above the rose due to the thorn's poison and the cat had ignored her. Sweating and horrified by the awful dream, Laura took off from the rose and decided to tell her parents the dream. Never again Luna disobeyed them and whenever she watched a cat, she quickly fled.

    1. See some little corrections below, Carlos:
      - ran through Luna
      - what you are doing here
      - boiling pot
      - the princess's stomach
      - awoke
      - fallen asleep
      - Luna never disobeyed them again.
      Thanks so much. Very good.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...