Thursday, September 23, 2021

What has happened to the person speaking below?

I was standing by the wall,

I remember red bricks.

Then I was home.

Speaking gibberish.

My terrified Mum stared at me.

Not knowing what to do.

I remember phone calls.

A blurry feeling.

Dad, Auntie.

And then a hospital smell.

Me in a gown.


A room with a bed and a small window.

A smiling nurse.

An injection.

And then nothing.

I slept

And slept.

Nobody asked me

What I  wanted

What I needed 

What I thought.

I heard screams,

I saw white coats,

And I heard words I didn’t get.

But as all nightmares,

This one would finish…

Or so I thought.

Three weeks

Locked in a space

With no garden,

No fresh air

No breathing

The windows had bars…

But at least I was better.

I was allowed to walk around.

To go to the common room

Full of people with empty stares.

A patient screaming a doctor’s name.

And the doctor’s threats 

To send her to an even more horrible place.

How had I got there?

What had I done?

I wasn’t like these people, was I?

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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...